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Adrian Scott
Adrian Scott

How to Use J-Link Commander for Target System Analysis and Debugging

What is J-Link Commander?

J-Link Commander is a free, command line based utility that can be used for verifying proper functionality of J-Link debug probes as well as for simple analysis of the target system with J-Link. It supports some simple commands, such as memory dump, halt, step, go, etc. to verify the target connection. It also allows you to use scripts to automate tasks and customize functionality.

download j-link commander

J-Link Commander is part of the .

Why use J-Link Commander?

J-Link Commander is a useful tool for debugging and testing your target system with J-Link. Some of the benefits and advantages of using J-Link Commander are:

  • It is free and easy to use.

  • It supports a wide range of target devices and interfaces.

  • It allows you to perform basic operations such as memory dump, halt, step, go, etc.

  • It allows you to use scripts to automate tasks and customize functionality.

  • It provides detailed information about the J-Link connection and status.

  • It can be used in conjunction with other tools such as Ozone, SystemView, or RTT Viewer.

How to download J-Link Commander?

Download from SEGGER website

To download J-Link Commander from the official SEGGER website, follow these steps:

How to download j-link commander for Windows

Download j-link commander software and documentation pack

J-link commander command line utility for J-link debug probes

Download j-link commander for Linux

J-link commander tutorial and examples

Download j-link commander for Mac OS

J-link commander commands reference and syntax

Download j-link commander source code from J-link SDK

J-link commander features and benefits

Download j-link commander latest version and updates

J-link commander troubleshooting and FAQs

Download j-link commander user manual and guide

J-link commander support and feedback

Download j-link commander free trial and license

J-link commander comparison with other J-link tools

Download j-link commander for ARM Cortex-M devices

J-link commander memory dump and flash download

Download j-link commander for RISC-V devices

J-link commander halt, step, go and reset commands

Download j-link commander for Renesas devices

J-link commander register read and write commands

Download j-link commander for NXP devices

J-link commander breakpoints and watchpoints commands

Download j-link commander for STMicroelectronics devices

J-link commander terminal mode and RTT commands

Download j-link commander for Microchip devices

J-link commander power supply and VTREF commands

Download j-link commander for TI devices

J-link commander USB and IP connection commands

Download j-link commander for Nordic devices

J-link commander device selection and speed commands

Download j-link commander for Infineon devices

J-link commander endianness and core selection commands

Download j-link commander for Silicon Labs devices

J-link commander AP and DP access commands

Download j-link commander for ESP32 devices

J-link commander CP15 access commands

Download j-link commander for Cypress devices

J-log command line utility based on J-log SDK

  • Go to the page.

  • Select your operating system (Windows, Linux, or Mac OS) and click on "Download".

  • Save the file to your computer and extract it.

  • The J-Link Commander executable file (JLink.exe or JLinkExe) will be located in the "Jlink" folder.

Download from SEGGER Wiki

To download J-Link Commander from the SEGGER Wiki page, follow these steps:

  • Go to the page.

  • Scroll down to the "Download" section and click on the link for your operating system (Windows, Linux, or Mac OS).

  • Save the file to your computer and extract it.

  • The J-Link Commander executable file (JLink.exe or JLinkEx e) will be located in the downloaded folder.

How to install J-Link Commander?

To install J-Link Commander on your computer, follow these steps:

  • Run the J-Link Commander executable file (JLink.exe or JLinkExe) as administrator.

  • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

  • You may need to restart your computer after the installation.

  • You can find the J-Link Commander shortcut on your desktop or in your start menu.

How to use J-Link Commander?

Connect J-Link to target device

To connect J-Link to your target device, follow these steps:

  • Connect J-Link to your computer via USB cable.

  • Connect J-Link to your target device via the appropriate interface (JTAG, SWD, etc.).

  • Make sure your target device is powered on.

  • Launch J-Link Commander from your desktop or start menu.

  • Select the target device from the list or enter the device name manually.

  • Select the interface and speed from the list or enter them manually.

  • Wait for the connection to be established and verified.

Execute commands in J-Link Commander

To execute some basic commands in J-Link Commander, follow these steps:

  • Type the command you want to execute in the command line and press Enter. For example, "mem 0x0, 0x100" will dump the memory from address 0x0 to 0x100.

  • You can use the arrow keys to navigate through the command history and repeat previous commands.

  • You can use the Tab key to autocomplete commands and parameters.

  • You can use the help command to get a list of available commands and their syntax.

Use J-Link Commander scripts

To use J-Link Commander scripts to automate tasks and customize functionality, follow these steps:

  • Create a text file with the commands you want to execute in J-Link Commander. For example, you can create a file named "test.jlink" with the following content:

// This is a comment // Connect to target device device STM32F103RB speed 4000 // Dump memory mem 0x20000000, 0x20000100 // Halt target halt // Go target go

  • Save the file in a location of your choice.

  • Launch J-Link Commander and load the script file by typing "exec " and pressing Enter. For example, "exec C:\Users\John\Documents\test.jlink".

  • The commands in the script file will be executed one by one and the output will be displayed in the command line.

How to troubleshoot J-Link Commander?

If you encounter any problems or errors when using J-Link Commander, you can try some of these solutions:

  • Make sure you have installed the latest version of J-Link Software and Documentation Pack from the .

  • Make sure you have connected J-Link and your target device properly and securely.

  • Make sure you have selected the correct target device, interface, and speed in J-Link Commander.

  • Make sure you have entered the commands correctly and followed the syntax rules.

  • Make sure you have enough permissions to run J-Link Commander as administrator on your computer.

  • Check the for more information and troubleshooting tips.


J-Link Commander is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you debug and test your target system with J-Link. It allows you to perform basic operations, use scripts, and get detailed information about the J-Link connection and status. You can download it for free from the SEGGER website or Wiki page, install it easily on your computer, and use it with simple commands. If you have any questions or issues, you can refer to the SEGGER documentation or contact their support team. We hope this article has helped you learn how to download and use J-Link Commander effectively. Happy debugging !


Here are some frequently asked questions about J-Link Commander:

  • What is the difference between J-Link Commander and J-Link GDB Server?

J-Link Commander is a command line based utility that can be used for verifying proper functionality of J-Link debug probes as well as for simple analysis of the target system with J-Link. J-Link GDB Server is a software that allows you to use GDB (GNU Debugger) or any toolchain that supports GDB (e.g. Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, etc.) with J-Link debug probes. Both tools are part of the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack.

  • How can I update the firmware of my J-Link debug probe?

You can update the firmware of your J-Link debug probe by using the J-Link Configurator tool, which is also part of the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack. You can launch it from your desktop or start menu, select your J-Link device, and click on "Update Firmware". You can also use the command "updatefw" in J-Link Commander to update the firmware.

  • How can I use J-Link Commander with Ozone, SystemView, or RTT Viewer?

You can use J-Link Commander in conjunction with other tools such as Ozone, SystemView, or RTT Viewer by using the command "connectto " in J-Link Commander. For example, "connectto ozone" will connect J-Link Commander to Ozone and allow you to use both tools simultaneously.

  • How can I create and edit J-Link Commander scripts?

You can create and edit J-Link Commander scripts by using any text editor of your choice, such as Notepad, Notepad++, etc. You can save the file with any name and extension, but we recommend using ".jlink" as the extension for clarity. You can use comments, variables, loops, conditions, and other features in your scripts. You can find more information and examples in the .



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